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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Writing a book: The Beginning...

Let's write!

Have you ever thought about writing a book?  Well if you've never actually done it, now's the time!  As of right now there are more options and ways to publish your stuff than there ever has been in history!  I'm going to start a new book of my own on November 1, 2013 for NaNoWriMo and would like to invite you along for the ride!  Maybe you'll even write a book of your own?

NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month.  Writers register with the site and try to write at least a 50,000 word story during the month of November.  I'm going to participate this year and then self publish the novel I write.  I've decided to make a few quick videos along the way to help anyone else who would like to write along with me!
If you'd like to register and give it a shot, there's the web site link above.  Now trust me when I say 50,000 words in 30 days won't be the easiest thing to do.  If words flow from you to your PC or laptop computer, or even to an old fashioned typewriter, that may help.  But the story is the main goal.  So if you sign up and don't make 50,000 words, don't sweat it.  Just keep on writing from there.  NaNoWriMo is all about getting you going on writing that book of yours!
In my first video I talk about the simple things; finding your story, a comfortable writing place, and a quick bit on how to set up Microsoft Word in the correct format to publish, or submit your work to a publisher.  Oops, one thing I forgot to mention was that the font that is generally used is Times New Roman.  If you think you might want to submit your story to a publisher after it's written, it should be written in that font.  If you're going to self publish your book (Like I plan on doing.) you can actually use whatever font you want!
So watch my quick five and a half minute video on Youtube and if you have any questions, feel free to comment on the video, or this post, or even email me or send me a message on Facebook, or Twitter!.



Ok, get your imaginations in working order and we'll get writing starting midnight November 1!

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