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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Chronicles of the Uprising series by Katie Salidas

Creating Worlds
As a writer I’ve almost always written about things in the world I know.  The settings are usually pretty familiar.  There was one exception to that called Hell Bound where the setting was a couple of planes of hell, but still Hell was more of a back drop and not a complete world for the story.  Why am I writing about this?  Because I’ve always admired writers who create their own complete worlds.

One of my writer friends, Katie Salidas, has done just that and created her own world.  (Click on Katie's name to take a trip to her wonderful web site and see all of her great books!)  It’s a world where they still hold gladiatorial games where people fight to the death.  Well, not exactly people.  Vampires fight to the death.  This is a really new take on the vampire genre.  So how did people not only get control of the vampires of their world?  You’d have to read her book series to find out!

Katie actually did a bit of backtracking and wrote a prequel to her series called, Initiation, (Click on the book's name to go to the link!) which by the way is free for your Kindle at the moment.  Pick up this little beauty of a book and find yourself in a world that changes the vampire rules. As far as  I know, this prequel is only available on the Kindle. 

If you happen to be in the United Kingdom, find the link for Initiation right here;

From there, Katie moves on to the first book in the series called Dissension.  Though the prequel is a Kindle only book, you can get the rest of the series a few other places.  And so the series begins!

Just click on the book's name and you can find the start of this wonderful series not only on the Kindle from amazon, but also for your Nook from Barnes & Noble.  Here are the links for both Barnes & Noble and also;

When I reading a book that starts of a series I really hate waiting for the next book to come out!  It always seems to take forever!  What is the author doing?  Luckily in the case of the Chronicles series, we no longer have to wait for the books.  The series has been finished and after picking up the first book Dissension, you can move right on to the second book, Complication

And here are the Barnes & Noble and links for Complication as well;

And of course the series continues!  With such a great story you always want more.  You can find yourself really getting attached to these characters.  So now we move on to the third book, Revolution.  It’s always great when you can just pick up all these books at once and read through the entire series without stopping! 

And of course, here are the and Barnes a& Noble links;

And now finally, Katie has finished up her newest series and released the grand finale for this fantastic series!  The fourth and final book in the series is called Transition.  

And for you Nook and United Kingdom fans, here are those links;

Now to give you just a taste of what this series is like, here are a few promotional pictures Katie has made for her series.  Take a look and get your interest peeked!  A different character in a different world.  Great reading!

Her first day?  Sounds like we'll learn quite a bit abut the past in book 4!

Who better to fight in a gladiatorial ring than a vampire with all of those strengths?  Katie sets up quite a premise!

Are you ready to fight?  Death before dishonor!

And finally I'll end this blog with Katie's premiere picture summing up the series.  Life isn't always rosy and happy and sometimes things can be downright grim.  But you do what you have to do sometimes...  Pick up the series and get hooked on Katie's fantastic writing!

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